Google URL Submit: Getting your URL submitted is the most important Online Marketing action to let Google know that your URL exists. Getting your URL found in Google search results is completely necessary to receive new traffic to your URL.
The Google search engine manages more than 230 million user searches per day and is the most well-liked search engine on the planet as about 65% of global searches are done by Google.
A URL submit of your site is a very important issue, our recommendation is: Do not submit your website at the Google “Add URL” page.
What will happen after you made a Google URL submit?
Very simple – your chances waiting for many weeks or month, till your URL shows up is fifty/fifty.
Recommended: Google Site Submit Service made by Otipso. When you like to get your website fast and on the fly indexed without any problems, use this service, so your website can pick traffic in a few hours.
The Google search engine manages more than 230 million user searches per day and is the most well-liked search engine on the planet as about 65% of global searches are done by Google.
A URL submit of your site is a very important issue, our recommendation is: Do not submit your website at the Google “Add URL” page.
What will happen after you made a Google URL submit?
Very simple – your chances waiting for many weeks or month, till your URL shows up is fifty/fifty.
Recommended: Google Site Submit Service made by Otipso. When you like to get your website fast and on the fly indexed without any problems, use this service, so your website can pick traffic in a few hours.
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